- Sold by Marie
- Belgium
- 376 sales
- 465 items on sale
80's dress
- 38/40
Long sleeveless dress, crew neck, attached at the back and taken at the waist by a thin and flexible elastic Composition: 50% viscose 40% cotton and 10% natural silk Brand from the 80s infinitive Made in Italy. It is fluid, pleasant to wear and splendid. It's a size 2. Measures waist 38 cm unstretched and 50 cm extended She is tanned at the collar. And also at the back
Condition : Very good conditionHas been lightly or never worn and is very well maintained. There are no defects, missing parts or odors.
Materials : Cotton, Silk, ViscoseColors : Dark blueYear : 80'sReference : 3369010 -
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40 cm
130 cm
28 cm
FRUKUSITJAPSize 38/40 10/12 6/8 42/44 9/11 -