- Sold by Nadia
- France
- 255 sales
- 64 items on sale
70's dress
- 40
White dress with appliqué patterns, two swallows and a cloud embroidered in satin stitch, rhinestone pearl eyes, unique vintage 70s piece, made in France, Jad brand, Côte d'Azur origin, in light white cotton, beautiful neckline, closure side by zip + a hook, ultra thin loops to wear it with a belt if desired. A superb dress for every day but also for events, can be worn with a petticoat underneath, beautiful amplitude of fabric, flared shape at the bottom. The model is 1.61 cm tall, 57 kilos (usually size 38), so large for her, vintage label size 44, current size observed 40. Additional measurements: free hips, chest width 47 cm + margin for cup depth, fabric amplitude , measurement taken flat, 144 cm flush at the bottom of the dress, margin of 4 cm to lengthen the straps.
Condition : Very good conditionHas been lightly or never worn and is very well maintained. There are no defects, missing parts or odors.
Materials : CottonColors : White, BlueYear : 70'sReference : 2402006 -
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42 cm
FRUKUSITJAPSize 40 12 8 44 11 -