- Sold by Bérangère
- France
- 59 sales
- 63 items on sale
Lovely little
Very good condition
- 38/40
This vintage piece is unique
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Fluid and light dress. Heart neckline, buttoned all the way up front. Slightly marked waist, short sleeves, slightly tulip skirt. Detail of the two front panels at the rounded bottom. Small white polka dots on a black background. armpits 45/46 cm.
Condition : Very good conditionHas been lightly or never worn and is very well maintained. There are no defects, missing parts or odors.
Defects : The last button at the bottom has been replaced but very discreet.Materials : SyntheticColors : White, BlackReference : 2602719 -
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42 cm
91 cm
38 cm
FRUKUSITJAPSize 38/40 10/12 6/8 42/44 9/11 -