- Sold by Céline
- France
- 4 sales
- 29 items on sale
Amazing vintage winter coat,
- 36/38/40/42
Amazing vintage winter coat, like new condition, 100% wool, satin lining, generous pleats and accordion shape. Deep red color. Absolutely original shape, unique, with magnificent accordion folds. Adjustable and removable belt. Size indicated 42 is suitable from large 36 to 42 depending on the desired effect.
Condition : Very good conditionHas been lightly or never worn and is very well maintained. There are no defects, missing parts or odors.
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Free returns from France within 14 days ( see more )
55 cm
Longueur Dos
70 cm
58 cm
FRUKUSITJAPSize 36/38/40/42 8/10/12/14 4/6/8/10 40/42/44/46 7/9/11/13 -