- Sold by Pascaline
- France
- 335 sales
- 129 items on sale
Mesh skirt
- 36/38
Fancy knit skirt, pearl cotton, light coral color, high elastic waist, unlined, edged with a colored braid. Made in France, Daisy brand. Unique vintage piece from the 70's, a nugget that will enhance your outfits. * Matching cardigan on sale in another ad. (Additional measurements: waist from 33cm to 40cm while stretching - hips 47cm).
Condition : Good conditionHas been worn but well maintained, may have minor flaws, but has no holes, rust or odor.
Defects : Two small pulled threads were brought in.Materials : CottonColors : OrangeReference : 1802085 -
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67 cm
33 cm
FRUKUSITJAPSize 36/38 8/10 4/6 40/42 7/9 -