- Sold by Stéphanie
- France
- 101 sales
- 108 items on sale
Burberry shirt
- 38/40
Burberry Rare cotton shirt, 90s Made in France Pretty pastel yellow color, very soft, light material Mother-of-pearl colored buttons 100% cotton Superb cut, it will go perfectly with high-waisted Levi's jeans, denim shorts, a skirt and a pretty cardigan. Exact size 38-40 It can fit a 36 to 40.
Condition : Very good conditionHas been lightly or never worn and is very well maintained. There are no defects, missing parts or odors.
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33 cm
Longueur Dos
61 cm
46 cm
FRUKUSITJAPSize 38/40 10/12 6/8 42/44 9/11 -