- Sold by OPHELIE
- France
- 6933 sales
- 2795 items on sale
Lanvin blouse
- 36
Lanvin blouse in multicolored pink, pistachio green, sky blue herringbone dotted Swiss silk, balloon sleeves, elastic cuffs, asymmetrical buttons to wear in front or back, worn in multiple positions, matching scarf to tie at the collar or at the waist as a belt, ruffled collar, made in France, size 36 worn here on a T36 model.
Condition : Very good conditionHas been lightly or never worn and is very well maintained. There are no defects, missing parts or odors.
Defects : Details and back -
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35 cm
Longueur Dos
58 cm
44 cm
FRUKUSITJAPSize 36 8 4 40 7 -