- Sold by Eva
- France
- 131 sales
- 89 items on sale
Silk blouse
- 42
Vintage blouse in very good condition Can be worn open or tucked into a bottom with a pin, no button to close it in the front; Size indication: Corresponds to a current size XL The person in the photos is 1.63 m tall and usually wears a size 36 Measurements Shoulders: 42 Chest: 62 Back: 70 Internal reference: Q2-2024-64-I
Condition : Very good conditionHas been lightly or never worn and is very well maintained. There are no defects, missing parts or odors.
Materials : SilkColors : Black, BeigeReference : 3432202 -
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42 cm
Longueur Dos
62 cm
70 cm
FRUKUSITJAPSize 42 14 10 46 13 -